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In the documentary “The Big Dump,” San Diego Media CEO Brett Davis sheds light on the ongoing environmental crisis caused by unregulated sewage dumping into the Pacific Ocean from Tijuana, Mexico. The film explores the devastating impact this issue has on the beaches and marine ecosystem along the Southern California coastline. With approximately 30 million gallons of sewage being released into the ocean on an average day and even higher amounts during rainy days, this problem poses significant health risks to both residents and visitors. Davis aims to educate the public and advocate for immediate action to prevent an environmental catastrophe.

Background Information

Overview of the documentary

“The Big Dump” is a documentary produced by Brett Davis, CEO of IQ Podcasts and a native of San Diego. The film aims to shed light on the ongoing issue of sewage spilling onto beaches from Mexico into the Pacific Ocean. It explores the environmental and health hazards posed by unregulated sewage dumping and raises awareness about the need for immediate action to address this crisis.

Importance of the issue

The issue of sewage spilling onto beaches from Mexico is of great importance due to its impact on public health and the marine ecosystem. With approximately 30 million gallons of raw sewage and toxic chemicals being released into the Pacific Ocean on an average day, the contamination poses significant risks to residents and visitors. Additionally, the pollutants contribute to the degradation of the marine ecosystem, leading to a detrimental impact on the biodiversity of the area.

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Collaborators of the documentary

“The Big Dump” was a collaborative effort involving several individuals. Brett Davis served as the producer and narrator of the documentary, bringing his expertise in media production to shed light on the issue. Larry Delrose acted as the executive producer, providing support and guidance throughout the filmmaking process. Allen Carrasco took on the role of director, overseeing the creative aspects of the documentary and ensuring its smooth production.

The Tijuana Sewage Problem

Infrastructural challenges in Tijuana

Tijuana, a bustling border city, has long faced infrastructural challenges that have contributed to the sewage problem. Inadequate wastewater treatment facilities and sewage management systems have been a major issue, leading to the release of untreated or partially treated wastewater into the Tijuana River. These challenges highlight the need for improved infrastructure to prevent further contamination of the surrounding areas.

Untreated wastewater release during heavy rains

During heavy rains, Tijuana’s sewage systems often become overwhelmed, leading to the release of untreated wastewater. This poses a significant risk to the environment and public health, as the pollutants flow across the border into the United States, directly impacting areas such as Imperial Beach. The release of untreated wastewater during heavy rains exacerbates the already dire situation and demands immediate attention.

Flow of pollutants across the border

The flow of pollutants from Tijuana into the United States is a major concern. The contaminants, which include human waste, industrial chemicals, and debris, contribute to high levels of contamination in the ocean waters. This flow of pollutants not only poses health risks to residents and visitors but also directly affects the marine ecosystem, leading to a decline in biodiversity and overall environmental degradation.

Public Health Implications

Health risks to residents and visitors

The sewage problem in Tijuana poses significant health risks to both residents and visitors. Exposure to raw sewage and toxic chemicals can lead to various illnesses and infections, including gastrointestinal issues, respiratory problems, and skin infections. The close proximity of contaminated beaches to residential areas and popular tourist destinations further heightens the risk of exposure.

Contamination of ocean waters

The release of untreated wastewater into the ocean waters has severe consequences for public health. Swimmers, surfers, and other recreational users of the beaches are at risk of contracting illnesses due to exposure to contaminated water. Additionally, the pollution and toxicity of the ocean waters have a negative impact on marine life, leading to declines in fish populations and the overall health of the ecosystem.

Effects on marine ecosystem

The pollutants flowing into the ocean from Tijuana have detrimental effects on the marine ecosystem. The high levels of contamination disrupt the delicate balance of the ecosystem, leading to the decline of marine species and the destruction of habitats. This not only threatens the biodiversity of the area but also has long-term consequences for the overall health and sustainability of the marine ecosystem.

Interviews with San Diego Residents

Richard Bailey, Mayor of Coronado

Richard Bailey, the Mayor of Coronado, provides insights into the impact of the sewage problem on the Coronado area. As a resident and public figure, Mayor Bailey highlights the urgency of addressing the issue and the steps being taken to mitigate the contamination.

Former Congressman Brian Bilbray

Former Congressman Brian Bilbray lends his expertise and experience to the documentary by discussing the political and legislative aspects of the sewage problem. His insights shed light on the challenges faced in tackling this issue and the need for cross-border collaboration to find a sustainable solution.

Supervisor Nora Vargas

Supervisor Nora Vargas shares her perspective as a public official responsible for overseeing the welfare of the region. She discusses the efforts being made to address the sewage problem and emphasizes the importance of collective action to protect public health and the environment.

Mayor of Imperial Beach Paloma Aguirre

As the Mayor of Imperial Beach, Paloma Aguirre offers a firsthand account of the impact of sewage spilling onto the city’s beaches. Her interview highlights the immediate and long-term consequences of the pollution and the urgent need for collaboration between communities.

National City Mayor Ron Morrison

National City Mayor Ron Morrison provides insights into the impact of the sewage problem on neighboring communities. His interview highlights the interconnected nature of the issue and the importance of regional cooperation in finding a solution.

Collaborators of the Documentary

Brett Davis as producer and narrator

Brett Davis, a San Diego native and CEO of IQ Podcasts, took on the role of producer and narrator for “The Big Dump.” His passion for raising awareness about the sewage problem and his expertise in media production contributed to the documentary’s powerful and informative nature.

Larry Delrose as executive producer

Larry Delrose served as the executive producer of the documentary, providing support and guidance throughout the filmmaking process. His experience and expertise in the industry helped ensure the smooth production of “The Big Dump.”

Allen Carrasco as director

Allen Carrasco, the director of the documentary, played a crucial role in overseeing the creative aspects of the film. His expertise in filmmaking and storytelling helped bring the compelling narrative of “The Big Dump” to life.

The Big Dump Website

Introduction to the official website

The official website of “The Big Dump” serves as a hub of information about the documentary and the sewage problem. It provides an introduction to the film, its creators, and its overarching message. Visitors can access additional resources and find ways to get involved in addressing the issue.

Access to more information

The website offers a wealth of information about the sewage problem, its impact on public health and the environment, and the efforts being made to address it. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking more in-depth knowledge about the issue and its implications.

Importance of raising awareness

One of the primary goals of the website is to raise awareness about the sewage problem and its consequences. By disseminating information and educating the public, the website aims to inspire action and encourage individuals to get involved in finding solutions.

Relevance to San Diego and Tijuana

Immediate impact on residents

The sewage problem is of immediate concern to the residents of both San Diego and Tijuana. The contamination of beaches and ocean waters directly affects the quality of life and poses health risks to those living in the affected areas. The issue demands immediate attention to protect the well-being of the communities involved.

Long-term implications for future generations

The sewage problem has long-term implications, not only for current residents but also for future generations. If left unaddressed, the contamination could have severe consequences for the environment, public health, and the overall sustainability of the region. Taking action now is crucial to ensure a better future for San Diego and Tijuana.

Call to action

Given the urgency of the issue, the documentary concludes with a call to action. It emphasizes the importance of collective efforts in addressing the sewage problem and encourages individuals to get involved in finding solutions. By raising awareness and taking action, residents of San Diego and Tijuana can make a significant impact on the well-being of their communities.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Summary of the documentary’s message

“The Big Dump” documentary sheds light on the sewage problem in Tijuana and its far-reaching consequences. It highlights the infrastructural challenges, the release of untreated wastewater during heavy rains, and the flow of pollutants across the border. The film underscores the public health implications and the effects on the marine ecosystem. Ultimately, it serves as a call to action to address the issue promptly.

Importance of addressing the issue

Addressing the sewage problem is of paramount importance to protect public health, safeguard the marine ecosystem, and ensure the sustainability of the region. By taking immediate action and implementing long-term solutions, the communities of San Diego and Tijuana can mitigate the impact of the contamination and work towards a cleaner and healthier environment.

Ways individuals can get involved

“The Big Dump” documentary encourages individuals to get involved in addressing the sewage problem. It provides resources and suggestions for how individuals can make a difference, such as participating in beach cleanups, supporting organizations working on water quality issues, and advocating for improved infrastructure and management systems. Every individual has the power to contribute to the solution and create a positive impact.

About Brett Davis

Background of Brett Davis

Brett Davis, a San Diego native, is the CEO of IQ Podcasts and a passionate advocate for environmental issues. With a background in media production, Davis has dedicated his career to raising awareness about pressing topics through the power of storytelling. His commitment to creating informative and impactful content led to the production of “The Big Dump” documentary.

Previous work in the media industry

Before producing “The Big Dump,” Brett Davis has worked on various media projects, ranging from podcasts to documentaries. His previous work reflects his dedication to exploring important issues and creating content that informs and engages audiences.

Motivation behind producing the documentary

Brett Davis’s motivation for producing “The Big Dump” stems from his deep connection to San Diego and his concern for the well-being of both the community and the environment. Witnessing the ongoing sewage problem and its consequences, Davis felt compelled to shed light on the issue and inspire change through the powerful medium of film.

Contact and Media Information

Contact details for media inquiries

For media inquiries or additional information about “The Big Dump” documentary, individuals can contact Rob Garcia from Shift Magazine at +1 619-316-1856 or via email at

Links to social media accounts

Individuals can stay updated on the latest news and information about “The Big Dump” by following the official social media accounts. Links to these accounts can be found on the official website of the documentary.

Official press release statement

For the official press release statement about “The Big Dump” documentary, individuals can visit the official website or reach out to Rob Garcia from Shift Magazine for more information.

In conclusion, “The Big Dump” documentary, produced by Brett Davis, shines a light on the sewage problem in Tijuana and its impact on public health and the environment. Through interviews with San Diego residents and a comprehensive exploration of the issue, the film urges individuals to take action and contribute to finding solutions. By raising awareness and advocating for change, residents of San Diego and Tijuana can protect their communities and future generations from the devastating consequences of unregulated sewage dumping.


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